The temperature in Noida at this time, on December 15, 2024, is nineteen.46 °C. The day’s forecast signifies a minimal and most temperature of seven.16 °C and 22.19 °C, respectively. The relative humidity is 10% and the wind pace is 10 km/h. The solar rose at 07:05 AM and can set at 05:25 PM.
Tomorrow, on Monday, December 16, 2024, Noida is predicted to expertise a minimal and most temperature of 14.76 °C and 22.81 °C, respectively. Tomorrow humidity ranges shall be at 12%.
At the moment’s forecast guarantees the sky to be clear. Please plan your day in line with the temperature and predicted climate circumstances. Benefit from the sunshine and do not forget your sunscreen and sun shades as you absorb the climate.
The AQI in Noida at this time stands at 197.0, indicating average air high quality within the metropolis. Kids and other people with respiratory illnesses, equivalent to bronchial asthma, ought to restrict extended out of doors exercise. Being conscious of the AQI helps one make knowledgeable choices relating to one’s general well-being whereas planning the day’s actions.
Climate and AQI predictions in Noida for subsequent 7 days: Noida climate replace on December 15, 2024
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